
About Me

I am at home with my kids trying to get through the day. Some days are successful others...not so much. I have 4 children, 3 of which are here with me, one in heaven. My oldest was diagnosed with Asperger's what seems like ages ago and I only hope the other two can be half the kid he is.

That's about me in a for a little more of the dirty details.  I'm dedicated to my kids but there are some days where I just say to myself: What in the hell have I done?  I gave up my day job for this?!?

We currently live smack in the middle of the US and live a pretty standard life.  I've used pen names for my family as I don't want to give everything away and later regret blabbing and embarrassing my kids or husband.  I've given up on doing that to myself a long time ago.  If you really want to know more about me I'll be more than happy to share off line. 

For the first few years of our kids lives it was hard, really hard, being a mom.  I didn't know it was so hard to raise an Aspie till our second kiddo came along.  I was sure she was a special needs case since she was so easy in comparison.  By the time the third and then fourth one arrived I think my standards were so low I just became resigned to the fact that I would never get the grout clean and shaving my legs once a week was the new standard. 

In the last few years we've had a lot going on.  We survived a flood two years ago and lost the house in the process.  But we came out the other end.  We moved to a new city, settled everyone into new schools.  Not without a few bumps I might add, but we survived.  We lost our third child and while that saddens me deeply, that's not what this blog is about.  It's about life, our challenges and trying to get to bed with out cussing-out one of my kids, my husband or the neighbor's dog.

That's about as close to a full frontal as you're gonna get.
My family:
  • Hubs
  • Alex our oldest, seven.
  • Lizzy, the God forsaken middle child, five.
  • Wyatt, in heaven.
  • Gracie, one.
  • Red Robe, my mom who recently retired and moved in with us.  Yay, me.
Oh and one last thing, I cuss---a lot.  I'm not proud of it but don't want you to be shocked if an F-bomb slips out every now and again. 

If you want to get in touch with me, send me a note:


  1. Hi Lizbeth,
    I LOVE reading your blog but I often don't remember to come and visit because as far as I can see...there isn't a subscription button anywhere?

    I'll try to keep checking back regularly so I don't miss out!

    Fi x

  2. Hi Lizbeth,
    You just left me a comment on my post and it has filled me with joy.
    I share from my heart in the hope that I can help little children on the spectrum to be understood.
    What you wrote gave me tears and I thank you SO VERY MUCH for leaving me that comment, it has made my day knowing I have helped you.
    I also wanted to say I would love to follow your blog, but I don't know how to subscribe. I will add you to my blogroll and try to remember to pop by.
    Let me know if you are able to add an email widget and I will subscribe straight away.
    I also thought how it was so funny that my lovely Friend Fi, came by to say the same thing about subscribing. That's just so funny, we often do things like this, it makes me giggle.
    Love and hugs.
    Lisa. xx :)

  3. Hi Fi and Lisa--I added a subscription button on the far right--I used a gadget from Google and I'm not too sure about... Please let me know if there is a better one out there that you like using.

    You guys both give me such warm giggles, I think I originally went to Fi's blog then right away to your's as I was/am so intrigued by you both.

  4. I've been trying to get an e-mail gadget but Blogger's gadget/widget is broken right now...rats!

  5. Hi Lizbeth, I still haven't managed to subscribe. I tried the thingy you put on the side but I'm so thick with these things and I ain't got a clue.
    Nothing is coming through to my email so I guess I'm not understanding it...ugh. The joys of being dyslexic. I can write and write and write, but when it comes to reading I am SO very limited.
    If you can attach an email widget let me know, till then I'll have to try to remember to pop by and say Hi!!! ***waves***
    Love ya.
    Lisa. xxx :)

  6. Lisa---I managed to get an e-mail feed--tell me what you think!!!
    Love ya--L

    1. I forgot to tell you. Yep it works but it's on a delay. I get it the day after you publish. It's a bit like me answering comments almost two years later....giggle.
      I love you LOADS. xxx <3 :)

  7. Lizbeth - am I an idiot and don't know you are on Twitter or are you not on Twitter? I'm thinking I'm just an idiot... Inquiring minds want to know!!

  8. No, I'm not a Twit. I should be but I'm not. If I do become one, will you be my friend? I don't want to get all Twittified and then like have 5 friends, I would be so embarassed....

  9. OMG!! You would have like a million friends! Everyone is there! Even Flannery just started tweeting about a week ago. And, I expect to be your first twitter friend now! C'mon!! :) (my name on Twitter is @theekarenesq - karenesq was taken!)

  10. It's official, I'm a Twit! Now go up to that Twitter button, stalk me and do me proud!

  11. Happy to meet you.

    My middle is an aspie, and the last few weeks have been an undoing for him.

    He's not doing well in the 8th grade: grade wise , yes, but his perfectionism is going to break him.

    Rough night: came here, looking for my village.

    Thanks for blogging...With truth.


    1. You know, for an Empress you're pretty down to earth. :)

      You have a village because of who you are, what you write and what you share, don't forget that. I'm here, and will continue to be, if you ever need an ear.

      Hugs lady, hugs.

  12. Nice to meet you, Lizbeth. Thank you for commenting on my blog. Love, Anna

    1. I know coming here may be too much of a reminder. I get that. Know I think of you often.



Comments make me all squishy but remember to be nice. If you're not nice then what you said goes *poof.* There's your warning.