Yeah, we're sick again. Imagine that. I don't know if my kids lick the floors at school, or french kiss the water fountain, but there it is.
I went to pick up Lizzy at school and the nurse said some kids have been out about four or five days. Do you know what that means in our house?
Challenge Accepted.
Lizzy was out a week. Alex has been out four days, so far. I don't quite know when Gracie started getting sick but I started to pop Tylenol in her mouth when she started to gag, so she was covered.
We're in it to win it, that's all I can say. In it to win it.
Alex has been sitting on a temp of 103 point holy shit that's hot. He doesn't even realize he's sick and when he starts screaming, "My arm hurts, my arm hurts!" that's code for "I'm gonna hurl!"
So far, his arm has hurt three times. All over the car, missing the bucket entirely. All over the driveway, nearly splatting a painter when they had a question that couldn't wait. I guess he didn't hear me screaming, "Now's really not a good time for me!" and "Holy Shit! Could you PLEASE try and AIM for the bucket. Dear God, what did you eat?"
Yup. Nothing says back to school like airing out the car. |
Come to think of it, I don't remember seeing that particular painter again. Remember how I mentioned we were starting on
the exterior of the house? Yeah, we've started.
And I don't exactly remember the third time he puked but Alex says it happened, so I believe him.
Somewhere in there, I've gotten sick so I've been toggling back and forth between Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen. I don't even want to think about the war that's raging in my liver and kidneys right now. I just keep thinking it could be worse, much worse, my husband could get sick.
The thing I've noticed with the kids being sick is just this: my seven year old can articulate what hurts but my eight year old cannot. Heck, even my two year old can point to her throat when I ask where it hurts. Alex can't tell me that. He can't say what hurts, where or even that he feels off. He just can't put together all the pieces. He's not there yet.
The only saving grace was that, this time Lizzy went down first so when he got sick, I knew what to look for.
But....but, when he gets sick, it's much worse. He doesn't understand and he regresses. I think he fundamentally understands something is wrong but he just doesn't know what. Then, when your body's not doing what it should be doing, its grounds for some serious confusion. And this is just me, but I think Alex gets sick longer and he tends to get the worst case of whatevers going around.
While Lizzy was laid up with a temp and sore throat, Alex has all of that, plus puking, plus hives and plus major adrenaline. For two whole days he was one big hive. Literally, his whole body was covered in hives and he couldn't stop itching. The only thing that worked was to sit in a cool shower. I won't tell you our water bill or how draining it is to keep an eight year old from scratching himself to a bloody pulp.
And then, because they put the fear of God in the kids about lice at school, as soon as Alex started itching we had to do lice checks. All The Time. His head was itchy. Itchy heads mean lice and because lice causes itchiness there had to be lice. He was actually disappointed he wasn't growing a whole little nit farm on his head.
I was not.
And he was bored. He still is bored. Good God All mighty, he's bored. He's bored with NingaGo, How its Made, the computer and horror of all horrors, he's bored with his iTouch and the iPad. And because he's bored, I get to hear about it, every twenty seconds.
Animusic. Dear God, please make it stop. |
I have stopped being mom and have reverted back to being, "Hey waiter, I need more Gatorade."
I've become my child's manservant.
And I'm exhausted. This is how I know having a child with Special Needs is a little more work, a little harder, a little more challenging. I know it. I live it. It doesn't make him any less lovable. Matter of fact, watching him while he's sick, and lose comprehension and understanding of the situation, rips my heart out. But it does bring to light the difference between a child who has Special Needs and one who does not.
And now I have to go. I think Gracie is puking.....again.
Yup, that's what it was...
Note: the baby was up with a 104.oh shit, I'm scared fever, for most of yesterday and last night. So if you're wondering where I've been, there's the answer. I'll try to get to blogs as time arises.....I just didn't want you thinking I went *poof.* All though, right now, that would be kinda nice....