Someone told me ages ago, "You have to watch The Big Bang Theory, Alex reminds me soooo much of Sheldon Cooper." I don't remember who said it and I don't remember giving it too much thought, so I let it drift out of my memory.
If I remember who you are, you should probably start running. Now. When I catch up, I'm going to kill you.
I have this thing where I don't like watching shows having to do with Autism. See, I live it. The few minutes I do get to be by myself, I want to stare blankly at the TV and not think about anything. The last thing I want to do, is be reminded of my own life.
But then there was a Big Bang Theory marathon the other day so I DVR'ed the episodes. That same night we watched one episode and it seemed harmless, funny even.
Sheldon had a secret knock his friends had to do on his door. His friends didn't do the knock correctly and there was a prolonged discussion on how doing the knock incorrectly precluded entry. Alex was transfixed. Mesmerized. He was giggling and snorting so loud that at one point I thought he was going to throw up.
He looked over at me and said, "Mom, there are grownups like me." Right then and there a new love was born. Scoot over How its Made, you've been replaced.
The Big Bang Theory and NinjaGo, this is what my life has come down to..... |
And I have to tell you, I had mixed feelings about him watching the show. I didn't want him seeing a studio production of what he deemed real life. We had a discussion about actors and acting to which I received a, "Duh mom," like I was the idiot in the room.
Then then next morning.
Alex was up bright and early, and without missing a beat, he ran downstairs and turned on his brand new love, The Big Bang Theory.
I counted my lucks stars and rolled over. It was about six-something in the morning.
See, we took the youngest out of her crib the day before and she started sleeping in a toddler bed. The thing is, she never slept in her bed. She latched on to the idea she was a free agent...
To say we had a wondering gnome was an understatement. She had the new found freedom of a prison inmate and she's been wandering around the house at all hours of the night. Do you know how creepy it is to wake up to a two year old, inches from your face, several times a night going, "Mine mommy, mine mommy???" Creepy, totally creepy.
So yeah, when Alex got up at 6:00AM, I rolled over.
Big mistake. Big, Big, BIG Mistake.
I came downstairs a little while later and was met with a barrage of questions, "What is coitus, mom? Why would someone engage in coitus? Is coitus something grownups do? Do you like coitus, mom?"
"Errrr, what? What were you asking?" Inside I was shocked wide awake. It was like he just took a tazer to my brain, turned it on and fired it directly into my grey matter. Alarm bells were going off, "Danger, danger. Red Alert. Red Alert." In my mind I was going, "Oh Gwad Fuck. Did my kid just say coitus?!? OMG, he totally did. Who told me about this show again?!? I'm gonna kill them..."
On that episode they must have said sex, sexual intercourse and coitus a million times. I think they were trying to find Sheldon a date so his friends made an online profile for him.
There implications were unending.
All day I heard various questions, all sexually related, all about coitus.
This is hell people, this is hell. My kids are asking about sex. All day long, "Why would a person have coitus? Is coitus the same as sex? Why does it have two names? It makes no sense. Is coitus Latin for sex?"
All frigging day.
And people wonder why I don't watch TV about Autism.
Curse you Sheldon Cooper. Curse you.