Thursday, July 12, 2012

I can't think of a good title. Anybody? Anybody???

We're still on a Monopoly bender in this house.  My kids are watching TV and I think I'm slowly going insane watching all the old cartoons on Boomerang.  They have found Tom and Jerry and Scooby Do.

I'm in hell.

My kids think the Mystery Mobile is fricking awesome and thank you very much Tom and Jerry for introducing my kids to the phrase, "Come here little pussy, pussy, pussy."  Now they are chasing the baby around calling her a little pussy.  They think its frigging hysterical and I'm less than impressed.

(And I know what the p-word is going to do with the search engines.  Every frigging wack-job is going to come her looking for some action and boy will they be sorely disappointed.  I don't care, I'm that worn out.)

I got so desperate to get out of the house that when we ran out of popcorn, I schlepped them all up to Target and I bought a popcorn maker because my kids eat popcorn like Jerry eats cheese.

All the frigging time.

And since I bought the popcorn popper I had to buy the popcorn, and because I bought the popcorn I had to buy the seasonings, and because we had the seasonings, we had to have something to put the popcorn in.

And that is how it came to pass that I have about three million pictures like this:

I can't show you the first few pics---I burnt my arm on the
steam, dropped my phone, cussed a few good ones and
now I have pics of the ceiling....

And this:

Don't let the pic fool you--there was
popcorn everywhere...

And now I have to go up to Target to get more popcorn because my mice ran out of cheese and in a house full of mice, a girl can never run out of cheese.

On the upside, I finally beat Alex at Monopoly.  It was the worst example of social skills ever.  For both of us.

I may, or may not, have said something along the lines of, "BOO-YA!  Sweet Jesus I did it!  Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah.  I did it, I did it, I well and truly did it."

And I may, or may not, have done a victory dance, or three, around the basement.

I will never tell.


  1. I just had my sinuses cleared w/ my coffee...ha! My boys love Scooby Doo, too. I do not. Love that they find a stoner w/ the munchies so hysterical. Thankfully they have not discovered Tom & Jerry--I don't think I could handle that!

    My kids love popcorn, too. I have not attempted the popper. We're all about microwave here. I do, however, have some nifty popcorn containers from Target, which my boys use as popcorn's awesome fun...until I have to clean that disaster up!

    1. I know, what's up with him being a total pot head?!? I don't get it!

  2. I think I almost woke the kids with my laughter. Oh, this is just great. And I'm GLAD you did a victory dance. You so totally earned that!

    Can I send my kids over for popcorn? Danny's addicted. We have an air popper, but it just seems like too much work. Instead, I took this opportunity to teach Dan how to use the microwave. Unfortunately, popcorn is the only thing he'll make. And I still have to get the darn bowl down for him and open the bag. One step at a time, I guess.

    1. Bring them over...just make sure they have swords or some form of self know, mine are learning to be ninjas....

  3. My kid doesn't like Tom and Jerry, so we're in superhero hell over here. Oh, also Transformers. I hate the Transformers more than you can ever know. But at least they don't call each other "pussies". Enjoy your new pervy audience.

    And now I want popcorn. This is your fault.

  4. I cook popcorn in a pot. It is the best.

    And what the hell are "seasonings"? Salt? You didn't have salt in the house? Butter? *smh*

    1. They have butter, cheddar, extra cheese seasonings...Lord Jim, you need to check out the Walmart aisles better.

  5. Whoa. You beat him at Monopoly? Nahhhh, I think he let you win just once ;)

    Cool popcorn popper. Is it easy to clean? We need a new one.

    1. Totally easy to clean but it takes some oil for the popcorn to pop!

  6. I used to love Scooby-Doo when I was a kid, but that was back before drugs. We are all about the Avengers and Ultimate Spiderman here. I was actually upset that they canceled the Avengers because I've seen the show so many times that Tony Stark and the gang were almost like family. Pitiful, I know!

  7. I didn't even know you could still buy pop-corn poppers like that anymore. We had one with the dome over it like that when we were kids and you had to put oil in the bottom. I figured someone would make it illegal by now -- either for burn liability or cooking your food with oil or...

    1. Totally legal although I burnt the crap out of my arm....

  8. If it's the Scrappy-Do years, then you are up a creek in a scary circle of cartoon hell.

    We love popcorn too, but use bags of microwaveable popcorn from Trader Joe's. I sometimes wish for a giant, indoor Habitrail for the kids, with a great, big running wheel. That would be brilliant.

    As for the Monopoly victory: awesome!

  9. I'm sad, Lizbeth- so sad. You have left me in my monopoly boxcar all alone! ;). Ahh, but you do make me reminisce about my one Monopoly victory back in 2005... Those were the days.

    Who washes that popcorn popper btw? Cuz that makes you a saint no matter what kitty words you use here.... Microwave used to be the way to go here til I was banned for setting the microwave on fire and let me tell you- there is no worse smell than burnt microwave popcorn...

    1. I wash that damn thing. Every Time. We used to to microwave but it was getting expensive and I felt like they were getting waaaaay too much salt....

  10. I'm with Karla - does your popcorn maker use oil? Because I haven't seen one like that since I was a kid.

    Also, if you ever don't want to clean the popcorn maker, you can put 1/3 cup kernels in a plain brown lunch bag, fold it over twice, and pop it in the microwave. I know - I can hear you now. I'm a genius. Of course, you still have to fool with all those seasonings....

    Congrats on your Monopoly victory - I say milk it for all its worth. You're teaching Alex some valuable social skills there. We've all dealt with a few... ahem... sore winners in our day. :)

    1. Well, this is good information! It is the one that uses oil. Now I have to go get paper bags!!!

  11. I hate Monopoly and I hate Tom but I always thought Jerry was kind of cute, but his little cousin Whatever-his-name-is is way cuter. And I didn't know you could even buy popcorn poppers anymore. Does that one pop without oil? I miss my air popper from my college days. I know I am a weirdo, but I don't like greasy, salty popcorn at all. Movie popcorn makes me ill. My MIL says it's because there's something wrong with my gall bladder, but gall bladder disease is pretty much her diagnosis for everything.

    When I was a kid my dad used to play marathon games of Monopoly with my brothers and me. We'd play every night after dinner and the games would go on for DAYS. My dad always won, and he kept the game going until he had bankrupted every one of us. He was kind of an ass like that. So I'm not that crazy about Monopoly. Plus when we would play without him, my brother always insisted on being banker and then he would steal millions of dollars.

    1. No, the damn thing uses oil. And those are the kinds of games we played as kids. I think that's why I hate it so much.

  12. I celebrate each and every trip out these days, even to the supermarket! Mine have graduated from the popcorn phase, but baking is still popular and that means we have to go out most days as we run out of ingredients fairly quickly.... well I make sure we do! I wonder could you change the rules a bit and play suicide gets hurt you understand, but the winner is the one who goes bankrupt first. Might shorten the game too :)


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